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中医药存亡的关键(张绪通 美国明道大学校长)

阿冬 发表于 2010-5-25 22:14:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

" N+ n2 c4 L4 p' W# e. Z1 D  X( U- `  f8 S( s9 [$ K
, i/ A0 m) H2 p% O; s- a$ \
无聊 发最后个主题贴 ' z. l5 s+ E" ^( F$ T
中医药存亡的关键(张绪通 美国明道大学校长)& t- q  d1 S* B  W8 W/ O

! j& Z5 O1 q4 p第一个将中国的《针灸全书》译成英文的“山外”人士----曾任美国总统府顾问、美国参议院核心成员的美籍华裔知名学者和名医
6 ^6 i7 T% T6 o. D% Y美国明道大学校长张绪通博士(获西医内科、哲学、法学三个学位的博士); i/ |# E9 s* t: C! N+ Z% p
& x1 [5 o  m( f7 ~& \5 e) `+ v4 j' w
+ m8 C  V$ ^+ X& @! ?' A+ P  E4 h已经使中医药面临生死存亡的考验关头
. h' I# C6 n8 t6 ^3 [+ |    现就几个重要问题一一阐述个人浅见
  [9 Y- {, S4 N# @  n) y以供会心者深思' z! C( ^" Z1 T+ @6 s

# H: w: V, r8 E/ c7 z6 d% x& C' N$ p  a
. J$ F; B8 x: [  @+ N' P1 a8 \/ n7 B* a2 c( O  U

( f! _2 H- G: r0 j, j, ]7 E6 h, x; u% J2 z% S
现今中医药的生死存亡* |- I- }+ h* e2 f  d- R) x) Y2 Y
0 V% L  ^1 M% O+ D2 x, i3 F* V0 q    中医药“国际化”可以分作两方面来诠释:一是:“把中医药学术文化向国际推广”和“大量出口中药为国家人民创汇创收”
" [/ X4 h# O) c$ k) U& p5 o    从任何一个中国人的立场来说, i0 Z2 E- [* z- b- V  h% q
这都是理直气壮& Y. X. B5 P0 [* j
0 U3 u  d) G6 ^* a6 p$ P$ b    二是:所谓国际化4 S" ~6 O4 \5 H! b" U
就是把中医药向西医药看齐/ \) s( l! ~6 r0 D& C, S
    据我所了解的4 A" _& O: ^/ r; o/ @" ^
就是:一般人口头上不断说的“中医药科学化”“中药西药化” 或简称:“中药西化”
  u' h- v$ _& d+ t9 j“中医药向国际接轨”
2 l' X: ~2 C* p# S    这是完全的“舍己从人”的“美德” 的表现
, k* S) l- [' U5 R) ]0 W2 C" t; _    说得难听一点
) e0 `1 n+ P' H就是用自己的热脸去贴洋人的冷屁股# K* ^0 [3 p& Q# U; z
6 ?  \' M2 I8 A# J( m: G( r: w就是完全失去了民族文化的自尊
2 U: X' [7 F+ m& ]+ O, C( J患上了“洋大人的群候证”- w5 x" {, L- c- `& }( b
    其实7 c2 N. M/ m* F) l
这个问题的存在已经很长久了& ^- Q0 g& y- j% l+ E5 D4 E
最近& n8 Y) g& b- z7 M1 f9 `
美国人Han Ruesch写了一篇文章; E5 p: o+ z, a4 O/ {
题目是:《洛克菲勒药品帝国的真相》(The Truth about the Rockefeller Drug Empire)+ F$ u8 B4 n# r
这篇文章坦白地道出了缘由) m! P! ^/ ]0 e( l/ f
" r) V3 g* N6 |5 n    文章详细的叙述了:犹太国际的主脑人物洛克菲勒与其家族以学术基金会的名义! W8 ^& T3 ^$ j# r8 M0 v& X2 S
# d( b$ O$ {" v" A( ^8 d文化界(其实数目并不多
  x0 K0 j) S$ M4 m( F+ f0 ^文章中讥笑中国人很贱9 e: c: w, n% X( G: k
7 T/ k$ b7 v" g2 Z3 e2 T3 z懵懵懂懂的就出卖了他们最宝贵的智识4 }0 M- S% G% \3 p- t1 }! E
& t' A% R$ N/ R7 B    )目的是要中国人对自己的中医药学术的根源与体系产生怀疑
2 }& a/ C! W0 A# p/ M以至于厌弃" W5 \3 J7 L( Z
2 L3 |: p8 r% e+ S& u4 O来完成彻底消灭中医药
0 [" L" x1 a( h& H- s! C* A) A  Z' F  a

# q* ^4 |( m* ]( |. z: `5 r* Q- i6 M. C( v
二、认识偏差$ p# }) b) W; E9 _( i( e4 f' q

, G1 C. Y) V3 I! {4 _1 x9 k1 F$ d  V" s
4 A% B& m/ ?/ H3 D- E0 {

( w8 t; W. M8 A0 l: p8 G" |9 y我记得小时候# o/ J' l) V; p& u. V) U
读到当时北大的大师们的文章$ N& q5 I1 X8 I& h/ D2 W4 @+ V
(包括蔡元培、傅斯年、胡适之等)都说“中医不科学) w( a) \$ b, k% w* k
, u5 e0 Q! F, ?6 p% T4 l6 y* k7 x- x# f    ”我们年青人当时都很受感动+ w* [1 Q' D4 |% P* |, l
; ~0 Z9 }' W0 A8 K) [9 m一定错不了的(他们的文章都是很有感性和口号性的
" V# g9 i! L$ _- e) \8 L& K# w却并没有提出严密的、科学的比较和论证4 w, H0 I/ S8 j$ g8 a0 D* O* k
, @5 @9 K+ I* t# R更不是西医* @$ a/ q4 d( r( J
按道理他们对这个问题是没有发言权的/ o8 M) g. Z7 E. \* w. _: F! p
    )后来稍微长大了一点8 A7 o3 w' c; H7 M, X
就想根据他们的言论基础去找科学的证实+ \3 S) Y0 s3 s' f! x
    当时的情势简单举例来说是:(1)中医学理以《五行论》为根基, B1 P5 [: w& M2 S; I  P
从而有了“五脏”和“五脏平衡学说”0 U: o! z9 L& ^% y4 n8 X
    中医学可以说是:“五脏中心论”的医学体系0 t/ C+ S+ T; P" e4 X' [( V9 h. f# X
    当时西医的解剖学+ P0 y: u* M4 o$ T$ X2 B  M" K
自称是非常科学的( u' h' H& G4 C& m( V2 }3 l  {/ q
却并没有发现有“脾脏”这个东西# I/ M% U! `/ H1 C  ^# j
4 ]5 _# g5 `) X  q/ N' b5 d    西医说根本没有“脾脏”这个东西
  ^$ ]$ }/ n, @可见中医是不科学的
4 n& ^/ O+ C/ x6 ?1 E9 N0 ~3 A: p    因为西医先不先就叫名打出了“科学的”牌子
2 D# ^4 {( K2 }它那里没有的东西
/ Z' _: {8 A- `6 |7 \/ u别人就不准有0 l& z! h! S. G9 e
; k% s: _7 d$ ^1 g1 ?! V6 P4 x    中医把一个庞大的医学体系建筑在一个根本不存在的、虚无的“X脏”上
: ^- t! R4 ~$ [+ B岂不是荒唐( D( W9 I2 X: N' A' U
6 i4 v  w! p) L. ]1 x2 G; G没有胸腺Thymus Gland5 s# H% K8 Y3 |+ D' z
道家中医称为“膻中”或“心宫”: t) T2 e. z4 ]9 x- M2 B: L
    到目前很多西医学教科书里还说:胸腺因退化了而不存在3 h: u7 a% P) `4 Q- b
或根本就说:我们不明白它的作用与功能6 r! l/ U/ b, n& z/ U  w2 |# z

* W! _+ A3 l  d' q. f8 K
2 @) ]+ @" ]2 q! r$ b  Z' U6 H当然还有其他很多的类似疑点
( x; R! w1 u/ O/ ^6 _1 |9 c! O例如糖尿病等等4 Q; k- X# _9 l/ W  i
% a/ K' t5 V7 k/ M0 ~那么处处都显得中医不科学
* k: D3 C3 I, `. W    谁知后来不久  m6 o; C- |1 x  q6 w8 z. A1 ~
1 T4 a  T" k: h/ n, [而它的功能与中医古书上说的一模一样(中医的脾脏功能
7 \4 J6 Y2 i1 x7 t+ X$ q比西医周详)6 i# M( d( }' J7 I0 Y
    这样说来( Z4 E: r" Y$ ?6 L4 g
  }6 b+ k9 T2 z$ T* [: \" n而且比西医科学得早三千年) S1 r7 Q. a% Y3 |: [
& w# I. R5 n: y直到八十年代
% N  K. ]. i) r' u& Q“爱滋病”被制造出来了以后
3 }; o8 `- o5 T7 I西医才发现“胸腺”
5 A& o% u4 U3 U1 P不但存在
0 }% }$ `; G  v  {, e而且是免疫系统里的最重要功能的部分(细节请参照拙着《性理之道》一书)
: @$ m: ]* V  G4 [% i    这样说来  p' ^2 U7 e' w9 k' j) j& m+ ^
8 C: \( w4 H$ |! _# o    可是一般人不求甚解
, @, m1 a0 i, [# W+ p还以洛克菲勒和他的同路人编造出来的老旧说法为说法
1 T: r6 c% b$ D, U坚持:中医药是不科学的
/ D9 e% i9 w. [/ M7 F5 ?1 S7 m    因为洛克菲勒他们早就花了钱
" u6 q* L" z7 g$ i2 T7 f直接间接的收买了一些学术大家替他盲目说话
% F& h  O! c: V- A2 d9 G  f% e就是要把中医扁得一个钱不值6 ^% d4 v$ {$ {* g5 N5 u
    另一方面1 w3 W+ A0 D% l* _
7 r2 k. `& q; v! u& V    如果中医药一旦西化
2 z3 x7 q: ]: R3 Z* ?1 a# y, s就不再是中医药了
/ _+ |3 m: f8 u) T+ n9 o) v/ u    因为西药是死的
, z( y- G+ Z6 D; M$ E' W化学的! l' x5 b/ ~2 F& d8 U
人工的/ S# K. a! X6 I4 S
有巨大毒性和非常严重的不良副作用3 l) Y, {! n) q; t
0 F! |' i. A: i1 u1 m$ U3 H    而中药是天然的8 W$ T5 A( D! o
由于进化得早  M. `0 ~8 v" D8 M$ G7 C
三千年前就有“配方组合”2 l: h8 D, M) [2 o+ t/ ^+ h  V
# }6 X! j! e! D0 |1 y- R. v3 h# s8 c没有剧毒
3 w) u( e8 E  m2 n9 W没有不良副作用
: f1 E' z" u/ ^/ m. B+ \" ?6 w而且讲究治本( R7 ^! Z8 Q' k
    在中医药西化的使命下5 W" D+ k  \, |( [) L
" h1 k  i1 c% t6 i+ D0 H* l    现今国际大佬洛克菲勒和他的《施贵宝大制药集团》一直都用着同样的方法来打击中医药# c- b3 i& m7 y3 q2 x
$ l4 V, l# z+ s9 A' M6 T' @3 K( N, U在他们感觉到:单从中医药的文化上宣传
# R: L; a& u* o4 E4 J% C. ?; r' B或学术论证上
# {' X2 ^, W, p$ k+ t; I+ Z都没能彻底消灭中医药的事实考验
3 P/ P' I- j! a8 L. a就进一步发动“经济手段”
- C# b& Z3 b; Q回马一锏5 [! j8 }0 f: N: ]% Z& {
& X/ K& H0 J$ i& @8 [! Q    这是2005年的一件非常严重的大事
( E7 X) P! m- H$ e3 ^. M+ n& y$ c4 t/ \" J" a- U

+ n7 A5 ^% U& d5 S5 d6 c' x  T' _) G
, \1 p: T; ^7 q; T' L
* _7 n9 d. y' [- g0 g1 j$ T6 D9 _9 |* \8 q
$ h% E! m; w9 n, ~8 B5 r8 i- E. D

. h( p8 U5 s5 t' r- T: E洛克菲勒麾下国际的《世贸组织》下令:所有世界它的其会员国家& z+ R7 [6 G/ W0 U; P% K1 J" s& d
禁止买卖中药! {3 ^" @( v, r/ k6 M2 m
# c- l8 d5 e2 r" \  x* {9 g不进口中药和中国的健康食品) s% c. F: ~# ]  |$ _
2 x4 a6 M, [- O% q7 P在今年六月份开始禁止中药的进口和销售(其实美国的医药
% X" ?- q" m- e' I0 q9 J石油
6 q/ z' I0 x% k% d1 E纺织
; H- j8 G+ K! K2 B4 [武器
5 c7 H1 w, t' V6 g* u& Q珠宝
" J  [" ?2 m  F; ?. H学术
0 ^8 G$ N: h9 G/ D电影和***都一向操在洛克菲勒和他的同路人手中, l. F$ V8 u. h! i$ F  Y
连总统根本也是他们的族裔), c0 v; y, ^$ F( k  N+ _- n2 E
    从国际“法律”来讲% i" r- {8 k) m' `4 [8 k
: y4 R3 P. ^% k等于签了“卖身契”& o5 E2 j- U) N' [/ s
. n8 r/ D" ?! t不准以国内法羝触“世贸组织的命令”  W& l1 d. ^6 P$ w* e; V- r/ y
; E* y5 j" U: K: m就是几个大佬的走狗在为他们主子发号施令4 H; W: z6 w1 `9 `9 Y1 _- X
真可称是:号令诸侯4 Q: D$ n3 e: _$ d
    它突然禁止“中药买卖”' Y+ P$ J. t2 Y7 f2 t: m0 `! l
是个绝灭中医药! W6 j" Q% p/ C/ {7 ]; {. S" i) ^
1 c( M0 b* a2 f  y& m5 l    目前世界上1 Y" \9 m5 u/ S% j% i8 X' I
唯有加拿大最近通过了一个“国内法” 5 C+ T. i$ _# O& C) K
: I- F: i8 T; G* g  ?0 w效果如何7 ]2 i: n; [6 I' h8 j8 W
2 W/ d2 ~+ i2 r% N1 j! l3 m5 c    目前美国的正义人士和有些国会议员们已经发动
# N: m* v; e4 @' `3 M2 Q& c并且有组织、有步骤的来抵制“世贸的命令”! V% E, w2 `% c. g: i7 L3 {
    欧洲的人民也开始发觉了“有什么很不对劲”( g4 n, O) D4 E3 K; {( p6 N/ K0 p
也开始了抗争' C: S% o- j2 O
3 y. _- Z  k9 b8 z5 z" ~& s+ i6 v4 I

8 ?, n7 H3 ]! |# ^7 D我们跟中国外交部反映
7 t% y. y5 Q/ F" I. P+ |# n6 y那里原来说不知情, X4 Y& e2 b! @$ |' n
现在已经力顶着催办了1 Z2 X; _! @  d: g) M
9 `2 Q# b. @( u$ q  `7 d* B+ }至于怎么“处理”就不知道了
8 j: k" H6 l( m8 u" _- F" @3 o( C至今还没有听到政府“吭气”呢* M* h/ D3 I1 i
    德国和美国这边$ R* ^. h- A8 D1 K
; \  }+ O* E/ x' l也很有效果
; h# V0 n3 e) P% }& r" e    说不定
- Y& m5 t2 [$ E: h中国连“吭气”都不必费事
, S5 C4 Y, ?: i) |9 d/ X问题就解决了7 Z1 _" C) t" A; [- c; F1 x
真是福大、命大) r$ ]5 J2 Q2 {2 z0 h
: _' i; p* I" p) N# A; w) ^人民向司法部门控告政府(行政部门)
. |; Q) e8 D! o1 b3 N由最高法院判决:行政部门听从“世贸组织”的“命令”行事
" B( Z: X9 t  ~2 I1 }# F  E, C7 P" U禁止使用销售中药
7 A6 B2 T9 @8 m7 g# A& m, [  ~6 Z违反国家人民利益/ ]* x" S8 N" B- i; |6 v
为不合法( N' Z1 c: Z8 w3 i. Q. h
2 l2 l; g# w& X. K    加拿大是由“立法部门”立新法来抵制“世贸”;德国是由“司法部门”的审判程序进行$ @6 Q' c8 H: B1 [, p1 m# X
! y3 {: i& ~6 _; L( O8 V    在美国则“司法”“立法”双管齐下8 X) T- C2 Z+ f7 S5 k* M: L8 J
    德国的判决书中还特别说到:中医药已经有数千年历史( \( }0 O* k. w  ?
3 K! D3 y' ~) i1 j    即使在现代
' t8 G0 D0 W# X- e  D& t7 P也并无足够证据证明它曾经危害于人们的健康与生命
9 L2 d5 V; O2 L6 Q, ~4 P+ F    相反的
( ?# \# I! X8 w# |" ~! e! d0 p8 a它对人们的健康与生命有着很大的利益与庞大的潜力
. D( L9 v& N' P4 [3 M    有了德国的例子
- F6 r0 M  l$ e+ {( T对在美国的抗争很有帮助6 H3 A1 p) o8 n: w2 Q

$ i; {( h9 Q/ s& X, u+ W" L# c' ?! y6 m3 R2 S5 Q$ E

9 v: j+ @, D$ B( G2 A* v四、正视中医药
. g+ L0 x0 O' }& X! W+ j, _# ]! T7 u9 y
  ?4 Z9 n+ r& U
( J2 T( j4 T" ?3 [1 K6 v& \千锤百炼的伟大科学智慧学术的结晶成果
9 ]0 [0 }' S9 {% T, x# L    理论与实践都是中国语文的
% u& Q' T5 ~# Y" m自己自有一套周延的、严密的体系与博大精深的理论学识8 J- W7 R; g+ G- K. x# \, X
    而且在治疗的步骤与疗效# R7 d2 @. ~+ U# m( y6 B5 k
在某些特种的疾病上( x1 Y8 F7 l$ W
远比西医合理# \6 N- ]1 o; f: [" T
有效) z' t6 n5 ?+ |0 x
- ~& h$ U, ]/ b/ \    这一套自成体系的学问
$ N. m2 B6 m6 Z4 O$ q自己已经包含了自己及时进步的机制; C, n: o6 z7 M! \! t
- r3 X1 j  v  T% w    如果 “中医药国际化”或向“国际接轨”的定义是向国际推广中国的中医药文化的话
1 Y: w: O% N/ a也决不能自己先毁坏自己的体系
, n/ z7 @- z) v. V( I6 K5 ?硬要“东施效颦”自己出丑4 |! {6 S* E) ^' B' r4 G
! W7 a1 B3 U+ Q$ o    如果中医药真的国际化
. \3 {. ~" U( X" c西药化了之后. l" j" x; @/ N* J! N. x
) l& i8 @1 Y  `, [: M* Z就都是死的、有剧毒的化学制品
" c, w2 ?3 ~# H/ L: z, T! L+ k9 l再不是保持天然形态! z- S# a5 M  }
4 a& X" i8 _" ~) M+ C1 N    中医药也就根本都不存在了! X! Z7 _# ]+ J* P$ p
- A9 W/ y$ r: V: h- [/ r" h# m自然就是“国际接轨”9 P& F: E: x7 A8 p
/ \* T( c7 s+ n5 |2 K/ x4 u这绝不是中医药国际化
; @- p3 j9 a0 Z) u) F1 {0 ?    中医药还怎么与国际接轨?西医药自有他们自己的一套体系
7 T4 f' d& K' s7 c3 H( N$ g9 o根本也不需要中医药加入老实说你西化不西化; n1 M- F2 ~5 g! k+ s
人家根本不在乎( Q4 A7 I8 L3 o- q: v& _
* |0 B$ H  \" g0 V/ c" k# H    否则一钱如命的大佬们为什么肯出钱
7 z1 t. a. e" T7 r; C到中国来“拯救中医药”
: @* i- v9 I2 X. o倡导“中医药要西化”0 h7 J  g) \! i! ?
    中国有些人糊里糊涂中了人家的诡计& Y  M6 Q/ r1 E, z5 F' c
从四面八方来消灭了自己的宝贝. j9 u# G5 Z  d& U! ]. U+ q& H5 e% ^
还自诩为“科学先进”+ U8 Y' @* n& ^% v) ?/ |; \
; q, i! G" m/ P) U( z, i4 f% |* _& {4 M  h2 v: S1 R" f1 @
& O' t3 x% G% P! ^% l5 O1 B) @. C, g: l
$ C! W' d6 @9 k9 ^" V* ?试想
2 ~+ n3 u8 p1 Q; b当年尼克逊到中国访问
5 d* [" s' e, B把中医里的《针灸学》带了回去
, \( F2 D- n! M, O    一下子轰动了美国
& A2 [' f6 k3 p' d0 B: _7 f继而全世界: p7 w+ i9 m2 a7 O: _) q  B
世界上没有一国不在迷恋《针灸》# W; }2 y4 U5 p" R
直到如今9 x" e, P( j: g' k
    在***上来讲: \5 k2 @+ K5 o( |% _% C( Y, C/ C
是当时中国“针灸外交”的大成功) W! z3 J0 c# e
    洋人千方百计派人到中国学习针灸医术+ h% y; f  O3 r: ]: s2 F/ k0 l$ a( o
: f  ?( {+ c. s这是西医中国化; f) a1 \9 q; L
与中国接轨! v5 l# |- ^  J+ r9 R" K; m
    针灸是到地的中国文化学术8 {5 W3 D# N( o' N; L
- C& |- [$ N; n$ Q. |- m. v* R! E" u    要学习《针灸》
: G9 G$ |" l2 ~4 ]$ ^当然要与中国接轨9 Y! L0 f8 A' l2 w9 @) F
  D) S  K- S/ U. S) T    如果当时中国人硬要把针灸西化7 d9 K1 _& L1 Q: d8 ^( o1 c( r
- N* l  I0 G2 G1 Y' n2 N9 o硬要把它变成洋人的东西5 H5 }/ Z( a& e" [- g5 E
. h0 H5 S. c2 r7 w6 i0 H7 A2 |    连洋人都绝对不敢相信天下有这样的滑稽事
; I6 T2 ~& ]& S' O7 W    同理9 M% K2 a. z) W0 s
推而广之% K4 G* h; F. r$ z) y
0 J" Y) J8 U* m. V) _+ i7 T要与国际接轨& j/ `* n1 Z5 U/ D2 W
试想这中医药是到地的中国的东西( M% H6 O* ?$ t4 H- \3 B
是西方从来没有的(它博大精深" ^5 s. |* i4 `% Q6 G1 ?
! B9 w# }, @0 U即使西方人从现在学起6 B+ N9 y6 l; X  s
还要几十年0 h& F+ R" w- c: N5 U. b
几百年4 M6 z; c. P/ }3 ^8 X) ^1 o& P
不知道能学得通学不通?)中医药怎么能够西化?与国际接轨?与国际接什么轨?简直是痴人说梦5 S* _; A7 N- E0 v8 }% v
    现在洋人吃到了《针灸》的甜头5 j! v: ?* }/ i& J: e( F
3 _( g6 t$ r2 E# d7 U    中国人不乘这个大好时机
1 ~7 l: u4 g) o: @) F0 ]2 L! c! v& ~0 J奇货可居
. b: d! d! o/ \4 D6 V' Q; K    竟然有一小撮人反而失去了自尊与自信
- V* i6 y: W, O6 W% |3 x一个劲要废掉自己  q7 _8 s7 t& p! F, n% c# V
; C" c. `- H4 G+ @! X; P这不是“疯”了吗?别的不谈
- V) @( D' }5 |+ u8 C  V如果谈中医药# }9 l2 l0 I/ I: \
只有别人与中国接轨的0 q1 t3 |! H  a$ ^) D1 K
' h; {% F0 F8 g$ w. R也是不可能
* e- X: Q& L- I中国去和洋人接什么轨6 O8 z% X1 Y' N/ G8 y
    当年伟大领袖 毛主席怎么就敢提倡中医药和针灸?因而才有了《针灸外交》
1 o4 W% F- Y  ]! h  ^  _使中国在世界上出色了那一阵子
. K& g3 e8 x1 @# n6 P& u1 R4 ?    就拿在美国的实际情形来说  ~1 i7 J1 f6 H, M+ ?& M
中医药逐渐被美国人认同(各州纷纷立法承认中医药5 p6 Z7 \# b* K. D; y- H% x- \
! T! @- v- W& d9 E! L+ e. G* W    )并且视为神圣) [' ^; k, u7 |' W$ e% A. A* }2 u
    这样的大好形势8 t' i6 g9 P3 t% S* K, i3 {7 y
岂可任之流失9 m8 [" ]! m" A
) e: p* s% V, A    就在《世贸组织》的大力压迫下: E2 K1 ^& \: M/ ^+ X8 Q
0 d, A7 k# p2 h" G! U5 [甚至呼吁“美国退出世贸”. b& `' ?! G6 h# T  P- ?: o

  j. @$ }3 ]1 |/ S) L1 G  V; V4 s) o* }# Y
" _$ m$ q! d, r; z
9 p9 }6 F* M5 C( U
五、中药必须根据医理、药理使用( j3 O; r" y  s

' `+ R3 m) F  S; r3 G" D2 X  ~8 O" v
就我个人的经历来说, F5 Y/ ~  P; k( p, J( s" i
# ~) p0 J" h9 ^% e可是我也研究中医) D. P4 t1 r" N, m
    我发现了中医药的优越性5 ?7 O' e9 _( V; s5 E
5 Z/ C( Y  f7 q0 g$ @" E- Y7 s优秀的学术文化发扬光大而努力2 e$ `% `% ]" u5 p8 b+ I2 n3 J; x1 R
    记得十几年前有一位犹太人非常着名的大医生4 X1 \5 u8 n3 `- v, G
3 e) [: e8 e# b4 V2 _; }# N' j    有一次他在电视上指名道姓
5 R& ?/ |, Z1 }要和我“拼了”
: F0 k9 v! z1 F5 {& F. y; O    结果他没有一处能辩得过我% c, n4 B" N" Z7 \% d/ r) v
    换句话说:就是西医没有一处能真正超过中医7 _: |7 ?. i) x! e# l
    彻底的是:东风压倒了西风" k  |# J) H9 C( P6 ~) b

! l) G* `2 |! y2 b. I; i" X2 I4 [, f& n; ^( g" o
可是4 {  q& Q! P- v; e! |# e! o8 B& e
有一个居下风的情形是:例如9 H$ k1 N6 ~% h5 C) `
去年美国药品食物管理局: e7 u! F! ?1 Q3 a2 r: d
# V3 `. x4 R  W4 ~1 o) V8 R    理由是“麻黄”对人体有“不良影响”- Z  F9 B. R# r
" [6 {2 ]- \  _5 D9 T《麻黄汤》在医圣张仲景的《伤寒论》里是首先出现的药方
2 \/ x. {9 n# h( m    它虽名为《麻黄汤》) }% b. d- L- t0 u) \9 T; X
7 b1 R$ v4 W3 h% \4 C而是根据重要药性的平衡原理
' V# V3 n' \% S# Z/ {在麻黄主药以外0 t0 S5 _( y; [9 Q0 K  @( y
3 d* R0 I7 u) a- ^( d4 c( `桂枝和甘草的配伍
2 B' T6 ^. @6 }5 _; ?用来发汗祛除病毒, Y4 O' w$ w/ b1 i2 n! B1 L3 y
消炎降热1 `0 r! N$ v; w0 w/ q9 [
% v8 i. `3 F" ^2 B    不过如果病情不能立刻改善# y) e- O  ?) d3 g+ q
或病人的本身抗力不足8 c8 u, X7 u( w. F3 L' A. G
疾病往深处进展2 l; h  g( F, x3 D3 L' v' D2 T: D" W
2 Z8 e6 T, C, ^' j/ P此方就不能再用了
; |3 O9 U; `+ N    因为发表太过4 r2 k& T) P* q0 q) Z) a; s
8 }, R* l% F! L这已经成为常识
% O2 x: e- N4 _# ]2 t% U* ?. X. ^    )
% a- t  _6 p" `& d; A7 o    在这里2 {7 M* I# C' h# }2 @
第一是复方配伍& T% F7 ]) H& f! t4 l" Z
君臣佐使- i3 A. y/ u: y
% |* f2 [/ X! E  t+ Y4 k& T背后有一连串的学术理由
' d+ r0 X( m1 i8 C' q. f; J兹不详赘7 b( v; C( [. ~' e$ s# x' s
& \! {& x/ O% J' ]9 w4 g! }: c要随时注意病情的发展" Q, W" c# K  i2 s
    都是有一定的严格规矩的" @2 ]) f% h2 k2 N5 P, z
! T: y: r* ^& c+ ~* F  u- O- [7 Y3 [4 O发现麻黄可以发汗去水1 A8 N! W! }' F
" W. K+ Z, s7 m& g- d0 E, b汽水5 V2 f3 h+ S9 w4 @- C, {; L
诸般饮料/ J" b1 V6 s! O* n
都是毒水! B, w2 e; S( m+ h
  }5 Q5 H, M/ q% |2 m一身都是积水浮肿
: q7 I  ]7 B: z; Q* W象一个能移动的水床一般/ A0 C! {3 ]9 u, q
$ d0 s4 ~# f$ x- S8 Y    于是制造了各式各样毒麻黄丸子(不用麻黄原来天然形态
$ A/ V( v' x( d: n: d2 z. B加入化学成分
# E; r7 t8 T. d/ W% z' m提取之后; ~4 q: I; P* m6 @& r: f
变成“西药”的Ephadra.)大事广告" F' h8 R' D2 b( p
让人吃来减肥& M8 {5 H2 T2 R7 Y7 s% f+ z/ @
& ^; d9 s/ M: b" x  ?1 d    长期单方服用的结果2 T- T! @( k' N0 t* J
! \( Z( D1 ?$ h' K有呕吐感. w2 L& @6 r) C& ?3 `1 z
    美国药管局下令禁止麻黄$ f' V0 ^7 n8 R
* o4 K% S1 k1 T' Y0 x  B. i裁定并无足够证据证实麻黄的毒性1 z2 J: \" Y, d% D0 W. I) A2 B: j
推翻了药管局的禁令! f; s. J" r' m* J1 {
    但是由于它的根本是“中药”麻黄/ K: [7 \) K9 Q0 x/ }  l- e  x
药管局竟无法无天& K# }, u, l9 n7 ^* U4 A
照禁不误1 ]- ?6 ?% X- d
    而西药里的享大名的Viox风湿止痛药$ o: Y2 H& U+ d  L
+ \0 I! f/ E! ~+ O6 l  G6 ^' y) ^短期内就冤死了几千人
9 ?0 F5 M' X  c1 [6 ]* ~" I9 P( l    药管局一度禁用" L5 R7 R" H6 C! B+ o8 A! i
却不知不觉0 q4 G( B# o, \2 K) o/ r1 X
- q, D1 |4 \; A" Z8 f! s9 K    美国药管局就是如此的歧视和不公平" j! L: ^* e! R! Z
  R, k" H% P5 [9 }! G! j1 N许多中药都被胡乱禁止
' S5 ]  L, L4 H! G4 l3 D& E还替它们加上一个可耻的“罪名 ”' @* ]; x; Z" t& z3 k$ W! A5 N
    更可笑而痛心的是7 E- `: x9 @+ D& D! t* Z
在伟大祖国的少许中医药着名人士不但不据中医的医理、药理) @0 c/ }! v( m1 v
* \  ^2 ^! B0 m1 M; I! L5 {痛斥痛驳洋人不根据医理药理用药( q% X7 G& v4 v8 n% `
为了赚钱乱扯胡闹! Y/ {$ x9 i$ l; F
( o. S% W8 F; o跟着说“麻黄不好”' l# a+ m5 M9 C# Z( V) B7 O
“应该禁止”4 c  `  q% G. `# g4 j$ r8 l1 H
6 {+ G- E5 x$ k    我以前写过一篇
: F" d8 y- X7 F叫做《道学与医学》的文章/ E$ |$ k: l0 L* U! ^
6 K9 ?3 N4 Z9 w) @由人民出版社出版发行" O0 y4 U% W: C  o0 \$ A# N. z- S* y
1996年第一版; I& S0 e0 }+ M. ]
/ K! C3 N3 e: U; n" F3 p    内容是将中医与西医做了一个重点的、理性的比较
/ \* ]" {$ o5 Y3 G说明了中医药的许多的优越性
+ N$ T) A1 ^7 L) N4 |    强调对于中医药的学理、药理的正确运用; }* @# A4 Y# h# T0 J1 W) j+ q
是不容许通融的!; ]3 M* F* O) H( B6 u( t5 j

% i8 {- H# g# X% i6 w9 Z8 n/ w9 {( c, h2 {' ]
我们在外面的小兵  E& L6 O& ^; i3 y
为了祖国文化奋战2 L! n# ~- y7 v
; h9 N9 Y, e) E5 _5 \& ]只求他们不要扯后腿9 g1 v8 `/ ]9 k. j( |1 N4 j
跟着洋人瞎乱一顿(因为洋人外行对我们说:你们中国的医药专家完全同意我们的说法与作法!我们就只好打落牙齿合血吞4 }* a# W: x; @9 N( T' [
    )就谢天谢地了!中医药幸甚/ P+ e; T( ?( X+ A! Y+ c& v, Y
伟大祖国幸甚!人民幸甚!这样说, {3 Q7 x! `- R2 i  a5 g. ?6 q1 P
并不是发牢骚6 k- k" G) u! f  A8 y. v
; H+ _! w) P1 F) x# k    这是一般为祖国文化流血流汗0 d  b7 D' W' x4 h4 B- b
爱国心的激动!因为人家要把这么伟大的学术文化& l7 {/ j9 u4 G$ M9 u
无端的打击摧毁3 ~# Z5 X% {4 T1 E3 c) i
是极其痛心的表达!/ g: T: B! t+ \! }+ P
, @0 l6 {6 {7 X5 `8 x3 a, V- B
2 l0 }* s  \& O/ K
4 y6 H$ w' P# s* k& ~, Q
六、智识财产权. {& F; X0 K9 h) W& E0 t
4 O& v7 J# I: f7 Y3 N5 U' _1 p9 Y

1 i& Y! [6 A1 p9 w  j8 [5 O另有一项“西药化”的阴谋5 t1 ]8 i5 A+ L: u
更可能为一般人所忽略* F; v- [1 W& r) y2 c
    事例:美国本土的土着印地安人) [1 `, E: A: F4 D$ a$ ?9 w
有他们传统的草药2 p6 M4 r2 Y5 G' e* \. N$ t6 O
* t5 N( P* Q3 c/ h9 i大药商就把它拿去“研究”(美其名曰:研究)
3 Z- z7 k/ ]0 Z3 N7 J' L, [然后
4 _+ E1 }* g& z6 ]! s9 a9 a- F; H掺和了化学成分( e6 ]; K* o, K
  f; d2 D% a! ^$ w申请了专利' J7 [% z% W& ~- N5 l# a& [
占为己有  h8 y- g* k# H- K# O
; M5 w+ i; G9 r; X% K6 f向法院告诉
! ]& o/ x3 s! C1 B8 ]! _    法院判决
1 e0 N; P3 w6 W0 j6 X$ m印地安人胜诉
& N- D' y0 ]. a: A6 N: G' Q    这是《智识财产权》# {5 A0 }- K6 P% N6 D; {' O
不容许别人变相剥夺& ^" Q. x: ~3 D' M$ Y, t
! Y0 \" w; P/ I/ C* ?* L此后药商应付给原主印地安人“版税”
& [/ I( q! N% ?    这个判决有问题  P( W8 l: z! t0 O" W+ x  A
$ S- Q& |1 e! p, H就很偏向了
/ h  c6 Z' ]8 f    从此判例看
. K# P1 H; R; K中药被洋人用这种方法已经偷去了不少
# y6 y: L5 D' x9 a- V. M    中医药是中国人的《智识财产》
$ q$ A+ z3 [; H4 z7 T这一点. O$ y9 p0 }4 x% L8 ]4 Y, s' B" d( ~
8 Q- q* P* W6 J. A& \& L' w绝对不得大而化之!% @- b5 V, k) u" R8 `$ q

0 m6 Q2 I1 d+ U$ q& `; p4 y# n( k- H& I3 I
# H4 }: L3 z7 M2 U( t! v9 v  ^' r! p申请“正名”
5 J/ c- ^! m2 K+ e5 y8 G    把中医药原称的《皇汉医学》或《汉方医学》' p& M8 y; o' Q# x5 Z$ C7 ?  A
正式改称为:“东洋医学”" m/ p- M/ K) y  c/ U
9 P* Q8 f! O: A  I  A轻而易举地把中医药学占为己有* a% b! _) Q  d
' S0 p, Q& [1 x" i/ {, U与“大东亚共荣圈”有异曲同工之妙5 U# [; r0 A+ b$ P7 ]
即大***帝国也& |/ r3 I1 B# k4 \4 L4 }% F9 r$ F
    在全世界风靡针灸的时候( i& d5 C7 f9 x3 u
# T3 G+ u- e& D韩国都着着实实的分了一大杯羹) I+ X" H" ?) o, l3 R/ ^# k
/ E* ^3 L: t, ^# W. T/ G***不但置身事外" i0 ?  [, h) P+ m8 y. h
反而趁火打链刀, }+ k2 x" W$ Y) k, w, K; H# F
. Z# _+ H5 y/ Z( E让“东洋医学”可以一枝独秀
% N# P' v1 ?3 `3 g4 J) U    这是多好的“如意算盘”!只亏他***人想得出来!
& r' g) G# l2 l4 L, Q: p' H7 ?$ C9 ?9 S1 t5 E) m
+ u$ g+ j/ g4 u- I! \8 Q6 s" C
8 u4 u) E0 J, F' O0 ?( w8 X中医药的危机重重
4 a8 k- h+ D) F+ J  ^) i% D本文可能挂一漏万
. B. _+ l4 L5 g7 W8 v) L" z希望方家不惜指正
/ p% o( ^/ N3 J共同为祖国优秀文化效力!
" H+ s; Z, O/ `
! r. B0 c! Q/ }9 D( u

路黑黑 发表于 2010-5-25 22:14:06 | 显示全部楼层
顶啊 大家跟上啊 哈哈 0 P( L( z+ @& `" f
* I" V# R- i+ Z1 p. @0 h
) q' s3 Z/ T$ d3 R6 L& g

SHINE 发表于 2010-5-25 22:14:10 | 显示全部楼层
减肥到底该减“油”还是减“水” $ }6 ?; d& M2 Q( M( R
文章提交者:晓刘 加帖在 开心科普 【凯迪网络】 www.kdnet.netwww.kdnet.net9 {) `# b& G. P+ l! N
' L; [+ U8 P8 [. m7 ?5 r
8 r+ H5 T+ a! f& S* b/ M, K- C这一说法颠覆了我们通常认为脂肪才是肥胖罪魁的一贯思维
( C! t, q4 ^' v5 j    今日请您关注------
' d5 {+ _; R( N: A1 z   6 c. B% a0 |  w- W0 Z& o/ N$ q
0 A" e( x2 h- }+ d6 K1 G
  在9月5日由中国科学技术信息研究所举行的中医药发展战略研究讨论会上8 ?  k+ x$ s" p
% f% W- M) O# p6 h+ S0 D% u    据张绪通介绍说  o9 o8 V8 X- C+ c8 G
3 L, A  s6 s7 i! {* D, G! }每人每天平均还要补充8杯左右的水
" C. W$ }: D' T' L而在24个小时中我们的肾脏只能过滤出6杯水' E$ z$ m# q4 ]+ E
: r7 C  Y, n; Z! n8 r0 s- ]& u% }* H% a% M7 k  e' X4 @" ~
3 b; v+ o! c% s7 V4 d7 u又不做体力劳动
5 R# _/ k7 s1 w8 U9 o8 p就会导致身体里留存两杯水9 l2 e( t3 M; w* Z
# b& M. j/ A; F& E5 X/ j人也自然就会越来越胖了
% D1 h8 q$ U& t/ @( h    ”张绪通如是认为) ?% V6 B+ m! g% R# N& o+ h
     ' k' [& v' w8 K0 E
% K. G, J: C$ `
8 v8 ?% N4 Y5 G- D6 F3 }    美国的胖子很多+ R( f$ e  u- R. @" e& E
为什么呢?他认为是由于美国人爱喝水引起的. O  k8 i5 h2 G, o- U, }5 C% b0 r+ A* G
    美国人除了喝汤、吃水果以外: g" s7 H) X! K5 d% G3 S1 Z0 O
一天到晚还不停地喝水:咖啡、果汁、汽水、啤酒、牛奶、葡萄酒……此外医生还规定他们每天至少再喝8大杯清水6 a! d3 {, ]6 n1 ]4 E6 O+ i8 n
    一天补充这么多的水分0 T* [0 S4 Y4 h. x& X+ K
& W! A( ]7 a6 N" x# l0 G  如果这个观点成立的话$ J4 q' b; X4 R: Y2 a
6 F4 ~! b; K, {, o- V     
0 C. x9 z0 f0 l- P! y/ ?: T& W& D) G+ U3 N  }  X
. G; T0 }, R/ z/ t( E3 a6 d基本上都要求尽量少吃高热量食物2 M& K  j0 @* u4 l* J
多喝水3 R9 p: k; @7 m% F
    如果喝水竟是导致肥胖的罪魁祸首" I5 l4 K! D( r) y9 G3 X  F% ^
那么以前的功夫不但白费6 c9 W1 V2 ~, B) O' o' R
0 [4 ]% @" f9 X# B% z- R那以后该喝什么呢? ( b& v; q/ f5 v: }5 Y' _

- y0 G- K, d( R  减肥就应该减“油”
1 ~/ y3 C) I1 P1 Q: w# ~6 U/ D' b9 ^0 d( `  ]4 D! z8 t( B0 _3 A3 j7 k
  张绪通校长的观点并没有得到有关人士的认可% L5 O7 Y/ X  y* Z, I+ |; t
“肥胖的原因是由于身体摄取热量过高0 o5 i+ O+ h' x  F
5 W0 d0 Y% x2 _9 f热量排不出去
& _. z( c0 K! {, R在身体里长期堆积" j' t5 R: {% C: l( Y
- z2 M' `- O% m" Q! P* r8 D1 @% l    ”北京大学人民医院内分泌科主治医生祝方表达了自己的看法
7 V# {8 p- L, E' T0 w1 q     
9 j" F& i: T  N: m! b" P4 v
( I6 a; U& `6 K  对于张绪通博士提出“肥胖由喝水引起”的说法8 s6 ]8 }7 _9 `/ @8 @
祝医生坚定表示反对1 b2 F, `2 o/ q( y, i
“这种说法是不科学的: y0 J8 x# F" M+ Q5 H0 X, d" k2 w
$ H' B6 e  ?; S9 F    ” $ U9 R, Z% g% L+ Q# j
( ~& j* M3 q7 m& m/ z" |3 b
! r" T& ?, @# L人的身体里虽然含有大量的水分; P  ~# E/ v3 O9 @' r- G
但是只有脂肪和蛋白质才能转化热量' ~' H' O, u- W% i" X6 l* O
水分是不能转化为热量的& @  B. \! ?6 M- Q) G6 u9 {
     : v* s: {# l, Q* _- N3 y

$ e. e% E3 T( @) k7 i/ J  “单纯的减少身体里的水分是不对的* n" X  K1 \" t' P1 Y
  e' ]3 k: N, Q. C要是单纯的减少身体里的水分
& r8 S% _) w  E& `1 F! v会造成脱水+ M* x  Y8 g  j" v4 E
( a( T" s/ N- ]% u& m* f1 G5 a可能会带来一堆的身体疾病
4 d' |6 W) [9 {% n" X. A" Q而不仅仅是一个肥胖问题那么简单了
  l2 d/ j$ V) y" S+ b6 |( c    肥胖是因为身体里的油脂过多; P+ t- m0 s9 W6 _  t/ ?
7 V2 ?7 p& N9 p& [不是喝水喝多的
' N* w0 y" ]& Y8 v7 x5 b; U( z    ”祝方这样表示
2 N. v' p1 X8 Y     
& b: Y6 d. I8 V  Z3 g% {. @
2 }! W0 Z' v, c2 Z  B  同时
3 U0 y8 o8 x1 W# V! L9 A  J# s祝医生也指出- _- k# C0 t! `
7 U7 h2 E0 l2 B3 E& X* I    因为现在的食品热量都比较高# B5 L. j, u" C3 _3 d1 B  N
; e: B( a+ z% U/ S! t- M造成身体里的热量越来越多
1 l3 ^8 L' Z8 l) \% d' n形成了油脂的堆积,久而久之就有了肥胖现象的产生
" C2 C& ~8 ^: p/ Z4 r. E$ w所以减肥就应该“减油”& X9 I  i0 n6 I8 S' K$ A2 m
     3 l# @2 ?1 Q( c

5 _  ^* Z: X( H5 F- H  减“油”还是减“水”
" [; j: b" Y. s$ r8 c7 J; |9 v3 ]9 H
1 O! A6 r, Q* r% B我们采访了减肥方面的专家、北京中医医院肥胖门诊副主任医师朱韪3 N( r4 P* ^, C6 S
/ p# ?! M* l' [! C1 i7 J) p8 k2 ~. M- t( w" z2 w- ^
  朱医师首先对张博士的观点进行了解释9 y/ E8 R. V& K) d/ q& z- ]3 s
( ~4 T8 y8 q. f9 x" A以前也曾遇到过5 m( Z' u3 l* o7 Z* w" a9 R* \7 W/ l
$ _5 c/ X( ~& a# z1 C就是喝进去的水排不出去
# K/ T; x% W. [1 o5 O积在身体里3 f  L& V7 O/ H
% D! I( x* T( R( J& L+ A) l# d是由脾功能下降引起的) i5 }# f0 C( M) V
    ”   G* G1 e/ W  ]& p, ^- `

0 I! w  @' |( i% z+ R; _  朱医师认为这只是极少一部分人的非正常的病态现象
8 ?" g" _  z: a, c& w& f. N( g大家不需要为喝水变胖而担忧
7 ~2 ^8 w9 A: `/ T. K  G. ~     
. y! Z: k; f3 j, i3 {: T9 A  `& }7 P* \$ Q
  “绝大部分肥胖是由于摄取的能量高6 t5 S% @" ]* y* _, b
' a; i, `; s1 M. ]能量排不出去转化成脂肪+ U  c( k8 Q8 m0 x' d4 h" u
# p7 }: i" Q& N8 E6 k+ Z. A3 O  E    ”朱医师如是说
7 o% P& W2 R+ R" P/ u     4 ^( A- |4 ^7 z' I2 ^

; @0 a$ f' @% W+ ^2 L# {; s/ {  由于现在含热量高的食品太多& g+ A. g5 u7 o+ [5 B
所以想预防是一件很难的事情6 Y! N. k4 }" T- a6 b* b6 b( V4 J  l9 i
3 f7 g0 r$ }- l: ~! ~
. T$ U  |. w4 k/ z. }& C# J5 |  那如何才能减少肥胖的几率呢?朱医师建议最好的办法是少吃肉、蛋、奶等高热量食品7 `" n* {5 S0 ~# [
: Y; ~: Y) B! E3 c# ?. z/ T% M# |- j4 q! G     6 s. [- O3 v, H) @% v
  p8 G" ?8 m( i
$ ]6 ?- Y0 @+ q9 f5 c) J晚餐一定要少吃
% B& ^. F6 u# m: \另外运动也是一个减肥的好办法
( M3 ]- O  E, e, X说到底9 C4 z) B: g5 _7 |% L  c
; [3 w0 n9 _  E    ”朱医师总结道; v1 Z/ \, K1 ^; s1 }4 T9 b/ ?
     " q1 `5 z. N) \$ P; a2 z
8 ~& J1 P4 y! c' {

* H# K, U# ?5 G- O* B! w

berries 发表于 2010-5-25 22:14:13 | 显示全部楼层
引用:& ?: o( g( p7 V* f5 w8 f
: g' V$ J1 O/ Z  `支持中医的人一般就是这种层次  c5 J7 Y9 d; X, M+ v6 `1 \

' C9 b( y1 Q' w1 m5 O; c  w% T2 d. {( l! L3 g
& E* c8 k# [& d3 k  J2 M4 Z你什么时候不用下半身思考?% v; F$ b8 L; s: o- ]# B
! I7 Q2 u" e; q

夜雨 发表于 2010-5-25 22:14:18 | 显示全部楼层
Hans Ruesch 不知道是不是收了左左们的好处费 继续阴谋论
- e& i1 ~# Z- vThe Drug Story: By Hans Ruesch* h) e- g6 q; `# Z  Z+ [2 }
8 H5 V( x! \4 ?! w" O( B& ]) e
1 }8 w/ ~+ `4 \" z; V
In the 30's, Morris A. Bealle, a former city editor of the old Washington Times and Herald, was running a county seat newspaper, in which the local power company bought a large advertisment every week. This account took quite a lot of worry off Bealle' s shoulders when the bills came due.
4 L$ ?1 b' \; z# R1 I* E1 ?) ?( d( H
But according to Bealle' s own story, one day the paper took up the cudgels for some of its readers that were being given poor service from the power company, and Morris Bealle received the dressing down of his life from the advertising agency which handled the power company' s account. They told him that any more such "stepping out of line" would result in the immediate cancellation not only of the advertising contract, but also of the gas company and the telephone company.
! u5 D0 ^: i" Q" V: x, T9 n; \8 q* q0 U& s4 N4 |3 D
That' s when Bealle' s eyes were opened to the meaning of a "free press", and he decided to get out of the newspaper business. He could afford to do that because he belonged to the landed gentry of Maryland, but not all newspaper editors are that lucky.
# V+ W! r3 g& }6 j1 i% T5 X
. {( e) d- Q( q( z; S' uBealle used his professional experience to do some deep digging into the freedom-of-the-press situation and came up with two shattering exposes - "The Drug Story", and "The House of Rockefeller." The fact that in spite of his familiarity with the editorial world and many important personal contacts he couldn't get his revelations into print until he founded his own company, The Columbia Publishing House, Washington D.C., in 1949, was just a prime example of the silent but adamant censorship in force in "the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave". Although The Drug Story is one of the most important books on health and politics ever to appear in the USA, it has never been admitted to a major bookstore nor reviewed by any establishment paper, and was sold exclusively by mail. Nevertheless, when we first got to read it, in the 1970s, it was already in its 33rd printing, under a different label - Biworld Publishers, Orem, Utah.Examples
5 c9 E! q8 X8 T2 yAs Bealle pointed out, a business which makes 6% on its invested capital is considered a sound money maker. Sterling Drug, Inc., the main cog and largest holding company in the Rockefeller Drug Empire and its 68 subsidiaries, showed operating profits in 1961 of $23,463,719 after taxes, on net assets of $43,108,106 - a 54% profit. Squibb, another Rockefeller-controlled company, in 1945 made not 6% but 576% on the actual value of its property. 6 q- w/ `# }' f0 X; }
6 r* l: {7 A. h) G# z% H3 A" G
That was during the luscious war years when the Army Surgeon General's Office and the Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery were not only acting as promoters for the Drug Trust, but were actually forcing drug trust poisons into the blood streams of American soldiers, sailors and marines, to the tune of over 200 million 'shots'. Is it any wonder, asked Bealle, that the Rockefellers, and their stooges in the Food and Drug Administration, the U.S.
' P2 g: U/ C, K$ I6 \4 l* I. \0 v9 k: m! V, m7 I6 @
Public Health Service, the Federal Trade Commission, the Better Business Bureau, the Army Medical Corps, the Navy Bureau of Medicine, and thousands of health officers all over the country, should combine to put out of business all forms of therapy that discourage the use of drugs. / k3 k$ ?3 {* |% |
! K7 B% o/ U# Y0 n; l
"The last annual report of the Rockefeller Foundation", reported Bealle, "itemizes the gifts it has made to colleges and public agencies in the past 44 years, and they total somewhat over half a billion dollars. These colleges, of course, teach their students all the drug lore the Rockefeller pharmaceutical houses want taught. Otherwise there would be no more gifts, just as there are no gifts to any of the 30 odd colleges in the United States that don' t use therapies based on drugs. " y9 E. m  T! x( ^

6 `5 E# o& h8 N) F"Harvard, with its well-publicized medical school, has received $8,764,433 of Rockefeller's Drug Trust money, Yale got $7 ,927,800, Johns Hopkins $10,418,531, Washington University in St. Louis $2,842,132, New York's Columbia University $5,424,371, Cornell University $1,709,072, ete., etc." ( _  l: N$ `2 @
& I/ F( j$ j8 n* |7 M
And while "giving away" those huge sums to drug-propagandizing colleges, the Rockefeller interests were growing to a world-wide web that no one could entirely explore. Already well over 30 years ago it was large enough for Bealle to demonstrate that the Rockefeller interests had created, built up and developed the most far reaching industrial empire ever conceived in the mind of man. Standard Oil was of course the foundation upon which all of the other Rockefeller industries have been built. The story of Old John D., as ruthless an industrial pirate as ever came down the pike, is well known, but is being today conveniently ignored. The keystone of this mammoth industrial empire was the Chase NationaI Bank, now renamed the Chase Manhattan Bank. : W& Y0 t$ {' [
, Q# Z: e5 p+ f& X) w
Not the least of its holdings are in the drug business. The Rockefellers own the largest drug manufacturing cormbine in the world, and use all of their other interests to bring pressure to increase the sale of drugs. The fact that most of the 12,000 separate drug items on the market are harmful is of no concem to the Drug Trust...The Rockefeller Foundation
8 E. Q+ K4 @& KThe Rockefeller Foundation was first set up in 1904 and called the General Education Fund. An organization called the Rockefeller Foundation, ostensibly to supplement the General Education Fund, was formed in 1910 and through long finagling and lots of Rockefeller money got the New York legislature to issue a charter on May 14, 1913./ N6 z! j8 g& H

- h0 C" U; C$ p7 p  ?7 uIt is therefore not surprising that the House of Rockefeller has had its own "nominees" planted in all Federal agencies that have to do with health. So the stage was set for the "education" of the American public, with a view to turning it into a population of drug and medico dependents, with the early help of the parents and the schools, then with direct advertising and, last but not least, the influence the advertising revenues had on the media-makers.
1 W4 c; _: F! b. t" K9 ^
- W$ q- b" ~4 @2 ~3 `A compilation of the magazine Advertising Age showed that as far back as 1948 the larger companies in America spent for advertising the sum total of $1,104,224,374, when the dollar was still worth a dollar and not half a zloty. Of this staggering sum the interlocking Rockefeller-Morgan interests (gone over entirely to Rockefeller after Morgan' s death) controlled about 80 percent, and utilized it to manipulate public information on health and drug matters - then and even more recklessly now.Censorship* Q: Q5 p0 a0 i1 M& k
"Even the most independent newspapers are dependent on their press associations for their national news," Bealle pointed out, "and there is no reason for a news editor to suspect that a story coming over the wires of the Associated Press, the United Press or the International News Service is censored when it concerns health matters. Yet this is what happens constantly."
1 [' c# L+ X' p" S5 J, i  v9 d4 O  m
( {! p9 P; _: o. M- x; R* ?In fact in the '50s the Drug Trust had one of its directors on the directorate of the Associated Press. He was no less than Arthur Hays Sulzberger, publisher of the New York Times and as such one of the most powerful Associated Press directors. 2 r, q) C& x( ~$ c+ y- ~

  I+ p1 B' y3 ~, }+ M+ X1 qIt was thus easy for the Rockefeller Trust to persuade the Associated Press Science Editor to adopt a policy which would not permit any medical news to clear that is not approved by the Drug Trust "expert", and this censor is not going to approve any item that can in any way hurt the sale of drugs. . c0 t  D: i- x% M  O: q3 W0 H
) [$ S6 w4 b9 w) x
This accounts to this day for the many fake stories of serums and medical cures and just-around-the-corner breakthrough victories over cancer, AIDS, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, which go out brazenly over the wires to all daily newspapers in America and abroad. 0 a  ]3 W3 T' d) c7 H& o4 S
8 C/ Y) j! D! C$ a" ^
Emanuel M. Josephson, M.D., whom the Drug Trust has been unable to intimidate despite many attempts, pointed out that the National Association of Science Writers was "persuaded" to adopt as part of its code of ethics the following chestnut: "Science editors are incapable of judging the facts of phenomena involved in medical and scientific discovery. Therefore, they only report 'discoveries' approved by medical authorities, or those presented before a body of scientific peers." 0 v4 Z' Y4 R- |+ ]% ^

9 d1 K- j  ^8 \9 t# l$ y! W2 HThis explains why Ban×××××× Books, America's biggest publisher, made a colossal mistake in its initial enthusiasm and optimism sending review copies of SLAUGHTER OF THE INNOCENT to the 3,500 "science writers" on its list, instead of addressing them to the literary book reviewers who are not subject to medical censorship. One single censor decreed NO and SLAUGHTER OF THE INNOCENT sank in silence.
3 }, x1 z. C" U9 e
. c3 Y/ z# r2 n  e# I5 g* WThus newspapers continue to be fed with propaganda about drugs and their alleged value, although according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 1.5 million people landed in hospitals in 1978 because of medication side effects in the U.S. alone, and despite recurrent statements by intelligent and courageous medical men that most pharmaceutical items on sale are useless at best, but more often harmful or deadly in the long run.4 p8 G1 h( J; d2 U8 Z

" Q' q/ A, N) w2 U/ [2 }8 zThe truth about cures without drugs is suppressed, unless it suits the purpose of the censor to garble it. Whether these cures are effected by Chiropractors, Naturopaths, Naprapaths, Osteopaths, Faith Healers, Spiritualists, Herbalists, Christian Scientists, or ××××s who use the brains they have, you never read about it in the big newspapers. # `3 \7 P& \' G- O/ o: n
& O* A/ n/ W/ U$ r' \
To teach the Rockefeller drug ideology, it is necessary to teach that Nature didn't know what she was doing when she made the human body. But statistics issued by the Children's Bureau of the Federal Security Agency show that since the all-out drive of the Drug Trust for drugging, vaccinating and serumizing the human system, the health of the American nation has sharply declined, especially among children. Children are now given "shots" for this and "shots" for that, when the only safeguard known to science is a pure bloodstream, which can be obtained only with clean air and wholesome food. Meaning by natural and inexpensive means. Just what the Drug Trust most objects to. / `$ H1 A5 R7 }: r/ H
2 M. {7 f3 B8 V) h
When the FDA, whose officials have to be acceptable to Rockefeller Center before they are appointed, has to put an independent operator out of business, it goes all out to execute those orders. But the orders do not come directly from Standard Oil or a drug house director. As Morris Bealle pointed out, the American Medical Association (AMA) is the front for the Drug Trust, and furnishes the quack doctors to testify that even when they know nothing of the product involved, it is their considered opinion that it has no therapeutic value.Persecution: N% {! z6 o& Y0 D0 V+ S
Wrote Bealle:
$ G, R  m2 ]9 u  j+ F) |, _
( L6 x, Y/ d: W5 b0 W+ f5 B  E5 C"Financed by the taxpayers, these Drug Trust persecutions leave no stone unturned to destroy the victim. If he is a small operator, the resulting attorney's fees and court costs put him out of business. In one case, a Dr. Adolphus Hohensee of Scranton, Pa., who had stated that vi××××××ins (he used natural ones) were vital to good health, was taken to court for 'mi××××randing' his product. The American Medical Association furnished ten medicos who reversed all known medical theories by testifying that 'vi××××××ins are not necessary to the human body'. Confronted with goverment buIletins to the contrary, the medicos wiggled out of that one by declaring that these standard publications were outdated!" . ^. i6 I8 Q+ ]

& m* R8 c  y7 k" j2 m0 HIn addition to the FDA, Bealle listed the following agencies having to do with "health" - i.e., with the health of the Drug Trust to the detriment of the citizens - as being dependent on Rockefeller: U.S. Public Health Service, U.S. Veterans Administration, Federal Trade Commission, Surgeon General of the Air Force, Army Surgeon General' s Office, Navy Bureau of Medicine & Surgery, National Health Research Institute, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences. & {9 l1 g8 F( S- N
. d6 p) E/ U) m# P7 o3 O
The National Academy of Sciences in Washington is considered the all-wise body which investigates everything under the sun, especially in the field of health, and gives to a palpitating public the last word in that science. To the important post at the head of this agency, the Drug Trust had one of their own appointed. He was none other than Alfred N. Richards, one of the directors and largest stockholders of Merck & Company, which was making huge profits from its drug traffic.
+ H& `, O  I6 {" o
) Y7 H  r8 Z+ A2 sWhen Bealle revealed this fact, Richards resigned forthwith, and the Rockefellers appointed in his place the President of their own Rockefeller Institution, Detlev W. Bronk.America's Medico-Drug Cartel
, x, S' K+ A7 ~' IThe medico-drug cartel was summed up by J.W Hodge, M.D., of Niagara Falls, N.Y., in these words:
( t# h5 @" r" z, {# r% V- V/ U2 g( U* n( b  i+ q. v- _- z9 M. ]1 j, ]
"The medical monopoly or medical trust, euphemistically called the American Medical Association, is not merely the meanest monopoly ever organized, but the most arrogant, dangerous and despotic organisation which ever managed a free people in this or any other age. Any and all methods of healing the sick by means of safe, simple and natural remedies are sure to be assailed and denounced by the arrogant leaders of the AMA doctors' trust as fakes, frauds and humbugs.
" e5 n+ a  S0 b8 J. Y1 t% f. |) _  F
& e$ T- i7 U) G; eEvery practioner of the healing art who does not ally himself with the medical trust is denounced as a 'dangerous quack' and impostor by the predatory trust doctors. Every sanitarian who attempts to restore the sick to a state of health by natural means without resort to the knife or poisonous drugs, disease imparting serums, deadly toxins or vaccines, is at once pounced upon by these medical tyrants and fanatics, bitterly denounced, vilified and persecuted to the fullest extent."
% ]0 i, D5 F/ ?$ q# w5 {. O, v" J6 R0 Y; z* o
The Lincoln Chiropractic College in Indianapolis requires 4,496 hours, the Palmer Institute Chiropractic in Davenport a minimum of 4,000 60-minute classroom hours, the University of Natural Healing Arts in Denver five years of 1,000 hours each to qualify for a degree. The National College of Naprapathy in Chicago requires 4,326 classroom hours for graduation. Yet the medico-drug cartel spreads the propaganda that the practitioners of these three "heretic" sciences are poorly trained or not trained at all - the real reason being that they cure their patients without the use of drugs. In 1958, one of those "ill-trained" doctors, Nicholas P. Grimaldi, who had just graduated from the Lincoln Chiropractic College, took the basic science examination of the Connecticut State Board along with 63 medics and osteopaths. He made the highest mark (91.6) ever made by a doctor taking the Connecticut State Board examination.Colonization4 O0 d( q4 n& l
Rockefeller' s various "educational" activities had proved so profitable in the U S. that in 1927 the International Educational Board was launched, as Junior' s own, personal charity, and endowed with $21,000,000 for a starter, to be lavished on foreign universities and politicos, with all the usual strings attached. This Board undertook to export the "new" Rockefeller image as a benefactor of mankind, as well as his business practises. Nobody informed the beneficiaries that every penny the Rockefellers seemed to be throwing out the window would come back, bearing substantial interest, through the front door.
2 U) |  l+ A5 k1 n( ~; g, u, g
5 E) S, a, a, V2 O+ @3 dRockefeller had always had a particular interest in China, where Standard Oil was almost the sole supplier of kerosene and oil "for the lamps of China". So he put up money to establish the China Medical Board and to build the Peking Union Medical College, playing the role of the Great White Father who has come to dispense knowledge on his lowly children. The Rockefeller Foundation invested up to $45,000,000 into "westernizing" (read corrupting) Chinese medicine.
: A% Y9 ~- W6 k. L0 Q4 _9 [0 \2 g& u: a, M
Medical colleges were instructed that if they wished to benefit from the Rockefeller largesse they had better convince 500 million Chinese to throw into the ashcan the safe and useful but inexpensive herbal remedies of their barefoot doctors, which had withstood the test of centuries, in favor of the expensive carcinogenic and teratogenic "miracle" drugs Made in USA, which had to be replaced constantly with new ones, when the fatal side-effects could no longer be concealed; and if they couldn't "demonstrate" through large- scale animal experiments the effectiveness of their ancient acupuncture, this could not be recognized as having any "scientific value". Its millenarian effectiveness proven on human beings was of no concern to the Westem wizards.
+ M4 f2 j6 M6 A$ P6 y# i( h
/ f/ ~* t" p# j0 ]) p- CBut when the Communists came to power in China and it was no longer possible to trade, the Rockefellers suddenly lost interest in the health of the Chinese people and shifted their attention increasingly to Japan, India and Latin America.The Image! B+ P5 S  N& A. w
"No candid study of his career can lead to other conclusion than that he is victim of perhaps the ugliest of all passions, that for money, money as an end. It is not a pleasant picture.... this money-maniac secretly, patiently, eternally plotting how he may add to his wealth.... He has turned commerce to war, and honey-combed it with cruel and corrupt practices.... And he calls his great organization a benefaction, and points to his church-going and charities as proof of his righteousness. This is supreme wrong-doing cloaked by religion. There is but one name for it - hypocrisy."
  J  f) ?3 T7 Z2 Q! ^9 u2 X
: ~/ y3 {  G5 ~0 qThis was the description Ida Tarbell made of John D. Rockefeller in her "History of the Standard Oil Company", serialized in 1905 in the widely circulated McClure's Magazine. And that was several years before the "Ludlow Massacre", so JDR was as yet far from having reached the apex of his disrepute. But after World War II it would have been hard to read, in America or abroad, a single criticism of JDR, nor of Junior, who had followed in his father' s footsteps, nor of Junior' s four sons who all endevoured to emulate their illustrious forbears. Today's various encyclopedias extant in public libraries of the Western world have nothing but praise for the Family. How was this achieved? ! v- Z2 B) J% W
6 u% Y9 Y' [: M) U" [2 \! C
Ironically, the two apparently most NEGATIVE events in the career of JDR brought about a huge POSITIVE change in his favor, to a degree that he himself could not foresee. To wit: * T1 D7 w( Q$ r$ Z2 ?4 a- F
% w4 V4 B+ Z* a( w
In the year when according to the current Encyclopaedia Britannica (long become a Rockefeller property and transferred from Oxford to Chicago), Rockefeller had "retired from active business", namely in 1911, he had been convicted by a U.S. court of illegal practices and ordered to dissolve the Standard Oil Trust, which comprised 40 corporations. This imposed dissolution was to provide his Empire with added might, to a degree that was unprecedente in the history of modem business. Until then, the Trust had existed for all to see - an exposed target. After that, it went underground, and thereby its power was cloaked in security, and could keep expanding unseen and therefore unopposed. ( \5 U* S, v, L6 Q. p

+ x6 v2 }# m. O  S+ s! e" t7 M% \" h. wThe second apparently negative experience was a certain 1914 event that persuaded JDR, until then utterly contemptuous of public opinion, to gloss over his own image."The Ludlow Massacre"
% D( n' ^+ G( z6 ?. P1 C0 KThe United Mine Workers had asked for higher wages and better living conditions for the miners of the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company, one of the many Rockefeller-owned companies.; h$ h8 Z( {; i' Z. |+ v# L) m

  j9 B8 q' I( Y( Y8 y" V" y& {The miners - mostly immigrants from Europe' s poorest countries - lived in shacks provided by the company at exorbitant rent. Their low wages ($1,68 a day) were paid in script redeemable only at company stores charging high prices. The churches they attended were the pastorates of company-hired ministers; their children were taught in company-controlled schools; the company libraries excluded books that the Bible-thumping Rockefellers deemed "subversive", such as "Darwin' s Origin of the Species." The company maintained a force of detectives, mine guards, and spies whose job it was to keep the camp quarantined from the danger of unionization.
8 o# i9 Z# |3 |  o- y1 C( a) H4 {4 A5 [. J0 s
When the miners struck, JDR, Jr., then officially in command of the company, and his father' s hatchet man, the Baptist Reverend Frederick T. Gates, who was a director of the Rockefeller Foundation, refused even to negotiate. They evicted the strikers from the company-owned shacks, hired a thousand strike-breakers from the Baldwin-Felts detective agency, and persuaded Governor Ammons to call out the National Guard to help break the strike. ' ~) g) W) U/ p# ^9 a( u; _

. B$ `0 C+ Z* ~Open warfare resulted. Guardsmen, miners, their women and children, who since their eviction were camping in tents, were ruthlessly killed, until the frightened Governor wired President Wilson for Federal Troops, who eventually crushed the strike, The New York Times, which then already could never be accused of being unfriendly to the Rockefeller interests, reported on April 21, 1914.
  [. L4 ~( [5 \0 {: J
) f! \7 ^8 V) a1 f  O/ V4 H"A 14-hour battle between striking coal miners and members of the Colorado National Guard in the Ludlow district today culminated in the killing of Louis Tikas, leader of the Greek strikers, and the destruction of the Ludlow tent colony by fire."
, Y9 s- V) l; _4 l
' K+ ]7 L' N! |2 I6 W, S4 WAnd the following day:
$ E+ ]) H/ Z2 U; E7 D" P* d2 I$ s, @: A2 B+ Y. B1 c' U7 h: i
"Forty-five dead (32 of them women and children), a score missing and more than a score wounded is the known result ofthe 14- hour battle which raged between state troops and coal miners in the Ludlow district, on the property of the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company, the Rockefeller holding. The Ludlow is a mass of charred debris, and buried beneath it is a story of horror unparalleded in the history of industrial warfare. In the holes that had been dug for their protection against rifle fire, the women and children died like trapped rats as the flames swept over them. One pit uncovered this afternoon disclosed the bodies of ten children and two women."Thorough Facelift. n% r: U( v( D6 J( n
The worldwide revulsion that followed was such that JDR decided to hire the most talented press agent in the country, Ivy Lee, who got the tough assignment of whitewashing the tycoon' s bloodied image.
8 v3 I2 A# a( J9 `2 |
6 r& u2 [: S6 f' BWhen Lee learned that the newly organized Rockefeller Foundation had $100 million lying around for promotional purposes without knowing what to do with it, he came with a plan to donate large sums - none less than a million - to well-known colleges, hospitals, churches and benevolent organizations. The plan was accepted. So were the millions. And they made headlines all over the world, for in the days of the gold standard and the five cent cigar there was a maxim in every newspaper office that a million dollars was always news.
# Q1 }4 W' n1 }7 ?$ q( }8 U, b! H' O5 l1 C) `0 L1 s9 Q! e
That was the beginning of the cleverly worded medical reports on new "miracle" drugs and "just-around-the-corner breakthroughs" planted in the leading news offices and press associations that continue to this day, and the flighty public soon forgot, or forgave, the massacre of foreign immigrants for the dazzling display of generosity and philantropy financed by the ballooning Rockefeller fortune and going out, with thunderous press fanfare, to various "worthy" institutions.The Purchase of Public Opinion
' }0 x! W: V' M$ m7 j+ A" M$ TIn the following years, not only newsmen, but whole newspapers were bought, financed or founded with Rockefeller money. So Time Magazine, which Henry Luce started in 1923, had been taken over by J.P. Morgan when the magazine got into fInancial difficulties. When Morgan died and his financial empire crumbled, the House of Rockefeller wasted no time in taking over this lush editorial plum also, together with its sisters Fortune and Life, and built for them an expensive 14-story home of their own in Rockefeller Center - the Time & Life Building.
5 B8 W& _  l  O- U( _# G7 O6 t* w3 B6 P; R* Y
Rockefeller was also co-owner of Time's "rival" magazine, Newsweek, which had been established in the early days of the New Deal with money put up by Rockefeller, Vincent Astor, the Harrimann family and other members and allies of the House.The Intellectuals - A Bargain
6 T9 v% N# B6 u# y6 y* t% G6 SFor all his innate cynicism, JDR must have been himself surprised to discover how easily the so-called intellectuals could be bought. Indeed, they turned out to be among his best investments. 3 b# V( \  t: S4 ^- Q: b
: U/ `% ?- o/ Q% q  I0 b3 K$ t
By founding and lavishly endowing his Education Boards at home and abroad, Rockefeller won control not only of the governments and politicos but also of the intellectual and scientific community, starting with the Medical Power - the organization that forms those priests of the New Religion that are the modern medicine men. No Pulitzer or Nobel or any similar prize endowed with money and prestige has ever been awarded to a declared foe of the Rockefeller system.
2 j9 k* Y4 H. u5 K  [
- f  r! H+ u) E. aHenry Luce, officially founder and editor of Time Magazine, but constantly dependent on House advertising, also distinguished himself in his adulation of his sponsors. JDR's son had been responsible for the Ludlow massacre, and an obedient partner in his father' s most unsavory actions. Nonetheless, in 1956 Henry Luce put Junior on the cover of Time, and the feature story, soberly titled "The Good Man", included hyperboles like this:
: y; [4 T& M5 j2 p% S# n0 p- A# O; B: i0 h3 s7 F" c* b8 Z% h
"It is because John D. Rockefeller Junior' s is a life of constructive social giving that he ranks as an authentic American hero,just as certainly as any general who ever won a victory for an American army or any statesman who triumphed in behalf of U.S. diplomacy."
. U+ ^( A4 Q+ B" T: t$ o
4 c6 W5 G0 j  n6 W) KClearly, Time's editorial board wasn't given the choice to change its tune even after the passing of Junior and Henry Luce, since it remained just as dependent on House of Rockefeller advertising. Thus, when in 1979 one of Junior's sons, Nelson A. Rockefeller died - who had been one of the loudest hawks in the Vietnam and other American wars, and was personally responsible for the massacre of prisoners and hostages at Atticia prison - Time said of him in it obituary, without laughing:
+ J1 d3 |8 H' H. C8 h9 x; n"He was driven by a mission to serve, improve and uplift his country."
6 T3 D/ [, Z7 f2 @+ y  t  ?
! E2 ], m% M4 ~Perhaps it was all this that Prof. Peter Singer had in mind when telling the judges in Italy that the Rockefeller Foundation was a humanitarian enterprise bent on doing good works. One of their best works seems to be sponsoring Prof. Peter Singer, the world's greatest animal friend and protector who claims that vivisection is indispensable for medical progress and for more than 20 years refuses to mention that legions of medical doctors are of the opposite view.Millions of Dollars Free Publicity
6 P2 R9 U% N) wAnother interesting revelation in the article of Time was that many years ago already Singer "was pleasantly surprised when Britannica approached him to distill in about 30,000 words the discipline that is, at its heart, the systematic study of what we ought to do." So now we touch the subject of sponsorisation and patronage. They don' t always mean immediate cash but, more important, long-term profits. ( p1 T$ C  R7 r; G& p, K" M
" m( Q0 Z9 ]% x2 x; C* u( D
Many decades ago the Encyclopedia Britannica moved from Oxford to Chicago because Rockefeller had bought it to add much needed luster to the University of Chicago and its medical school, the first one he had founded. Peter Singer, "the world's greatest animal defender" who keeps a door permanently open to vivisection and the lucrative medical swindle, gets millions of dollars free publicity thanks to the worldwide engagement of the Rockefeller Foundation and the mediamakers who are in no position to oppose it.
3 f% z- G* \) `/ w$ b8 ?& T2 X6 f& a
4 C) _, ]3 l5 Z$ yFrom the article in Time we also learned that Singer' s mother had been a medical doctor in the old country, which could mean that little Peter started assimilating all the Rockefeller superstition on vivisection with his mother's milk.Taken from the CIVIS Foundation Report number 15, Fall-Winter 1993
. w) @' P2 j5 m1 M2 `2 KCIVIS: POB 152, Via Motta 51-CH 6900, Massagno/Lugano, Switzerland- U3 j4 Z  j+ O6 u4 H
4 y% Y* D7 o1 r

1 ~. M% J2 V5 q, _

开心一刻 发表于 2010-5-25 22:14:22 | 显示全部楼层
& w. I1 q- G; N6 S. q6 O6 O5 f$ O: y/ B8 B- i0 O
6 J8 X8 N' |3 o6 R  c

梦里又思花 发表于 2010-5-25 22:14:26 | 显示全部楼层
支持中医................................... 4 [- t1 r9 X; _

7 k5 i9 E* G0 m: v& o% v9 u" v% S, m& L1 o$ k0 R" ?$ u

平湖乐 发表于 2010-5-25 22:14:31 | 显示全部楼层
8 j3 |6 O- J$ Y" ?. C0 G    9 Q9 {# z2 H0 o
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" H% e3 H. M7 Q) J2 t  T7 e$ _  b" v

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